How To Maintain Your Car In Summer?

This article is for the people who love their cars very much as many people treat their car as their kids.
Your car needs to be taken care throughout the year and special care should be taken during the summer season. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can really harm your car. In India the summer heat is literally unbearable and the high temperatures of summer season would affect your car inadvertently.
Cars would face a lot of wear and tear due to excessive heat if proper safety measures aren’t taken, leading to untimely breakdowns and maintenance issues. Hence, great consideration and preparation for summer would be an insightful choice.
Some of the important tips to effectively maintain your car in summer are:
- Summer heat can have a negative impact on your battery as they are more prone to lose electrolyte during the summer due to the process called as evaporation.
- It is advised to keep your car in shade rather than exposing it to direct sunlight. Vehicles that are parked in direct sunlight would naturally trap heat and your car will turn into an oven in a very short time.
- During summer season the battery liquid would evaporate very quickly and it would prompt erosion on terminals and connections. In case if the battery is over three to four years old, then you should get it tested by an experienced technician to decide how much longer the battery will last and replace it accordingly.
- In order to keep your car cool for long periods you should put a sunshade in your rear window.
- Place a sunshield beneath the windshield to keep the in-car temperature low.
- Use an upholster dash cover to protect the vinyl surfaces of your car. Dash covers protect the vinyl from sun damage that would cause cracking and fading.
- The paint of your car will start to fade if it is constantly exposed to hot sun for a longer period. By rubbing a layer of wax or polish on the car would protect the paint for a long time. Make sure that you repeat the waxing process once in a month so that you get the maximum protection from the harmful UV rays and also prolong the life of the paint on your car.
- In case if you see any sign of your car engine being overheated, then you should head over to a safe spot, turn off the engine and wait for at least 25-30 minutes before restarting the engine.
- Indeed, even with preventive maintenance, summer breakdowns can in any case happen. One should have an emergency kit in their car. The kit should contain a flashlight with additional batteries, jumper cables, essential hand instrument’s, emergency first aid kit, etc.
- High temperature can make the tyre burst open during high speed. Ensure that your tyres are in good condition and also maintain constant air pressure.
- Tyres should be properly inflated before hitting the road as tyres with low air pressure tend to wear out much more quickly.
- Hot summers can prompt low transmission fluid, power steering fluid and windshield wiper fluid. So, make sure you check them all before stepping out of your home.
- Check the AC fluid, check the AC performance, wash the cooling curl and clean the vents and ducts to improve the performance of your air conditioners.
Try not to turn on the air conditioner with the natural air vent open. This would prompt the hot air from outside to blend with the cool air of the cabin. This would lead to reduced cooling effect.

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